Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Choose Your iPad - 3G vs. Wi-Fi Which iPad is Right for You?

Choosing from multi diversified products offering similar features like iPads is always requiring a real comparative analysis of features of the existing alternative products with the features you require. This article is for you if you want to take a new iPad or plan to replace your old one with a newer Package.

The Wi-Fi Only iPad is available in the United States is an old story but the 3G-capable version of Apple's tablet device recently launched. Apple has reportedly sold a large nos. of iPads thus far--less than half the time it took the original iPhone to reach that same milestone. If you aren't one of the million plus those elite users who already has one, here are some things to consider when choosing between the Wi-Fi only or 3G-capable models.

The 3G iPad is available now, but the extra $130 may not be worth it for everyone.

Let's begin with the most obvious difference--cost. The 3G version of the iPad costs $130 more than its Wi-Fi only counterpart, and all that buys you is the privilege of having the option to use 3G. Actually using the 3G network will cost more money.

Apple negotiated a pretty sweet deal with AT&T for the 3G networking, though. At $15 a month for 250Mb of data, or $30 a month for unlimited data, the pricing seems reasonable enough. But, the best part is that there is no contractual obligation--so you can purchase 3G connectivity if you need it in an emergency, and turn it right back off without any additional fees or penalties.

This is the big argument in favor of the 3G iPad. If you only intend to use the iPad in your home, while at work, or eating a Big Mac at McDonald's, odds are good you will have a Wi-Fi network available and may not ever need the 3G capabilities.

However, business professionals on the go might not always be near a Wi-Fi network, or could find themselves at a client site where the wireless network is locked down and they don't want to let you connect your rogue iPad. In cases like these, the 3G connectivity can be a lifesaver, enabling business professionals to get an urgent e-mail, or access online data storage to retrieve an important document or presentation.

There are alternatives available to let you stick with the cheaper Wi-Fi model of the iPad, yet still connect while on the go. If you happen to have a jail broken iPhone, you can use the My Wi app to allow the iPad to connect to the iPhone via Wi-Fi and ride on its 3G connection.

You can accomplish the same goal with a 3G-enabled Windows 7 notebook. An real undocumented feature of Windows 7 allows it to share out its Wi-Fi network and become a mobile hotspot. Or, you can invest in a device like the No vate l MiFi--with connection plans available from Sprint or Verizon.

All three of these options have one distinct advantage over the 3G iPad--they each allow multiple devices to share a Wi-Fi connection. However, they all have disadvantages as well. The MiFi may cost up to twice as much as the additional cost for the 3G iPad, and all three options would still require some form of 3G data plan--at least as expensive as the monthly rates for the iPad, and with the added burden of a contractual obligation.

Then, there is the most obvious disadvantage, which is being forced to carry an additional device. It sort of negates the value of having a thin, light iPad to use for mobile computing if you have to also carry your Windows 7 notebook around in order to get a connection.

Wi-Fi iPads have both encountered a number of occasions where people have been mobile and wanting to connect to the Internet, but without a Wi-Fi network available.

You Can upgraded to the 3G iPad or just take part in a debate whether the handful of times it has come up is worth trading up so soon, or if should just stick with the Wi-Fi iPad until the next-generation iPad comes along and move up to 3G then.

For the most business professionals who travel infrequently, the need for a 3G connection will be rare. Both home and office most likely already have wireless networks, and there are enough places offering free Wi-Fi that it should be possible to find one if its truly necessary.

That said with an intention of either upgrading now, or at least getting the 3G-capable iPad when the iPad 2.0 comes along, because  at least want the 3G functionality there as an insurance plan providing with the peace of mind that I can get a connection no matter where You really need it. But, that peace of mind may not be worth an extra $130 to you.
Think and take your Choice.

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