Thursday, April 21, 2011

Basic Health Habits for long and healthy life.

1. Three Balanced Diet a day at regular times and only one or two small non-sugary snacks.

2. Eat Breakfast everyday.

3. Get enough sleep (about 7 hours a night for a person over 18 years).

4. Never smoke and if you do try to stop.

5. Use alcohol only in moderation or for Medicine purpose, if at all. (There are better ways to reduce disease risk)

6. Maintain a reasonable & healthy body weight. Measured by BMI.(Body Mask Index)

7. Exercise regularly, at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise on most days bu free hand exercise and Yoga.

8. Use a daily multi-vitamin especially from Natural resources among with your diet.

9. Build your spirituality. (I.e. pray & meditate each day.)

10. Maintain healthy relationships & social involvements.

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